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5 Facts About Nicotine You May Not Have Known

tobacco free cigarettes

Adverse health effects are among the most well-documented effects of nicotine intake. For instance, this psychoactive ingredient is the leading cause of many preventable deaths and disabilities. Tobacco products such as cigarettes contain this substance. However, nicotine is also found in agricultural products, such as insecticides. Fortunately, you can use Naked Smokes’ tobacco free cigarettes if you want an alternative to help you quit smoking. We will explore some interesting facts about nicotine to help you understand its potential health impact.

1. Nicotine is Found in Tobacco Products

Tobacco companies extract nicotine from the Nicotiana plant species. The main plants in this family include tobacco crops. However, some plants from the nightshade family also contain nicotine.

2. Some Companies Produce Nicotine

Laboratory nicotine, also known as synthetic nicotine, has the same effects as the extracts from tobacco plants. However, this type of nicotine is common in liquid vape products and e-cigarettes.

3. Nicotine is the Addictive Substance in Tobacco Products

As nicotine enters the brain through the bloodstream, it increases the endorphins’ surges, relieving pain and stress. It also increases pleasure and reward by increasing dopamine levels, the part of the brain’s neurotransmitters responsible for the reward system. However, the improved moods and other reward feelings remain short-lived, triggering a smoking cycle for the smoker to maintain the pleasurable sensation.

4. Nicotine Effects the Body’s Cognitive Functions

Nicotine in tobacco products alters the chemical composition of the brain’s reward system. It often increases memory and concentration once it reaches the brain. It works by increasing oxygen intake and heart rate. However, it can lead to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and a decline in cognitive ability in the long term.

5. Recovery From Nicotine Dependency is Possible

Nicotine often keeps people smoking tobacco products even when they want to quit. However, tobacco free cigarettes from Naked Smokes are an excellent alternative for anyone who needs help quitting smoking.

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