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Can Your Brain Recover from Nicotine?

tobacco free cigarettes

Nicotine is an active chemical in tobacco products and flavored vaping oils. Although no outward signs of chemical dependence exist, nicotine is extremely addictive. One study showed that even people who smoke one cigarette a day have a nicotine habit. After treating the addiction, tobacco product users can recover from nicotine.

Habitual nicotine use usually involves other habits like hand-to-mouth, which has long been associated with smoking. Something as simple as switching to a product without nicotine can make a big difference. Naked Smokes makes nicotine free and tobacco free cigarettes that help nicotine addicts kick the habit by intervening in the reward – the nicotine fix.

Nicotine’s Effect on the Brain

It’s widely known that nicotine is a stimulant that increases heart rate. Less known are the effects of nicotine on the brain, especially in people 25 years old and younger, where the brain isn’t fully developed. As soon as nicotine reaches the brain, it finds receptors ready to release dopamine, the brain chemical that makes people feel good. With continued nicotine use, those receptors multiply to the point where smokers have billions more of these receptors than non-smokers.

Nicotine Addiction Recovery is a Process, Not a Cure

Like other drugs, nicotine isn’t forgotten about once nicotine dependence eases. Those billions of nicotine receptors can wake up and put the nicotine user back into habit-forming behavior. Helping nicotine addicts quit nicotine is one of the benefits of Naked Smokes and nicotine free and tobacco free cigarettes.

Recovering from nicotine addiction is possible, but it takes knowing what to expect. For example, nicotine addiction withdrawal symptoms won’t kill people, but they are very uncomfortable because the brain wants the dopamine it used to get. Overcoming a nicotine addiction takes commitment and a strong support system for encouragement. Finally, start substituting non-nicotine products into the process. Nicotine free and tobacco free cigarettes are the ideal stop-smoking tool because they feed hand-to-mouth addiction.

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