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Green Tea’s Healthy Bioactive Compounds

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Green tea has a lot of components, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG Catechins. These antioxidants help in shielding the body from cell damage. At Naked Smokes, we offer tobacco and nicotine free cigarettes to help protect you from diseases and may be the answer to how to quit smoking. Below are green tea’s healthy bioactive compounds.

Can Elevate the Brains Function

Green tea can help boost your brain’s function and keep you alert. The caffeine in the substance – the activated stimulant helps produce significant energy without making you feel you have taken too much caffeine. By blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter known as adenosine, it increases the neurons and concentrations of people taking it.

Caffeine is known to elevate brain function through emotions and memory. There is also L-theanine to help with crossing blood-brain barriers.

It Has The Possibility to Decrease Cancer

The worlds leading cause of death from cancer comes from the uncontrolled growth of cells. According to research, a damaged oxidative has the potential to cause inflammation, leading to dangerous, life-threatening diseases, of which is cancer.

Antioxidants from green tea can be the protection you need from such happening. The antioxidants from green tea are a powerful source of healing that can reduce the risk of getting sick with cancer and other chronic diseases. The most common cancers that it prevents include:

  1. Breast cancer
  2. Prostate cancer
  3. Colorectal cancer

It May Reduce Bad Breath

Green tea has a compound called catechins which can help your overall mouth health and potentially cure bad breath. According to Test-tube, catechins are capable of decreasing the buildup of disease. In return, it lowers the risk of infections.

Streptococcus mutant causes a plaque buildup that leads to tooth decay and is the most common of mouth bacteria. There is no evidence that it can cure this disease, but research suggests it can reduce Streptococcus mutant buildup.

Tobacco and Nicotine-free Green Tea Smoke

At Naked Smokes, we offer tobacco and nicotine free cigarettes that give you a boost and help with nicotine cravings. It’s an easy-going green tea smoke that satisfies hand boredom and oral fixations. It helps you relax and control yourself in social situations; while helping with body weight. Naked Smokes is probably the answer to how to quit smoking, a smarter choice.

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