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Tar in Your Lungs

smoke free alternatives

Tobacco smoke contains elements such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar, among other toxic compounds, including arsenic. While nicotine is the addictive element in cigars, the tar harbors the deadliest health risk to smokers.

What You Need to Know About Tar

Tar is the sticky brown substance produced when you burn tobacco. It is responsible for the yellow-brown stains on smokers’ teeth and fingers. Even worse, it carries most of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke. It slowly damages the cilia in your lungs, contributing to serious lung diseases such as lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

The tar in tobacco smoke accumulates in your lungs as you inhale, eventually turning a pink, healthy lung tissue black. Besides, the toxins can be absorbed into the bloodstream and deposited in other parts of your body, increasing cancer risks.

Are There Smoke-Free Alternatives?

So, you want to avoid the negative impacts of tobacco, tar, and nicotine without quitting smoking. That is exactly where Naked smokes come in. The product is a combination of green tea, among other natural herbs, that provide smokers with a great aroma, draw, taste, and aftertaste similar to tobacco cigarettes. If you want to cut down or stop smoking, our smoke-free alternatives will interrupt your desire for nicotine while providing smoking gratifications. These include

  • Fostering a sense of calm, relaxation, and control in social situations
  • Relieves tension and boosts energy levels
  • It helps in regulating body weight
  • Satisfying oral fixation and hand boredom
  • Promotes health and general wellbeing
  • Enhances metabolism and cognition

Make the Switch to the Smarter Option

Naked Smokes offers great taste coupled with green-tea health benefits and an incredible energy boost. Sure, tobacco is addictive and hard to quit. Fortunately, Naked’s smoke-free alternatives can help you cut down if not quit the habit. Naked smoke gives us the freedom to decide and control when to smoke without dealing with destructive nicotine addiction.

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