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The Effects of Secondhand Smoke

nicotine free smokes

Secondhand smoke is a poisonous combination of toxins, irritants, and cancer-causing substances. According to the World Health Organization, more than 7000 chemicals are in tobacco smoke. And at least 69 of these are cancerous. This is why nicotine free smokes can be such a huge help.

When people smoke, most of the smoke goes into the air and some into their lungs. Therefore, anyone nearby can breathe it in.

They inhale the same toxic chemicals and poisonous gasses found in tobacco smoke.

Ultimately, like smokers, their risk of acquiring smoke-related conditions also increases.

When you smoke near family and friends, they’ll breathe in your secondhand smoke, which is unpleasant and affects their health.

Similarly, if you’re exposed to secondhand smoke, you face the same effects and risks as smokers themselves.

Breathing in secondhand smoke, or passive smoking, has many effects, including making your blood more sticky and increasing the risk of the formation of blood clots, even with short exposure.

Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke are more prone to premature births and low birth weight infants. Their babies also have higher risks of sudden infant death syndrome.

Besides, children living in smoky areas have high risks of allergies, asthma, pneumonia, ear infections, and breathing problems. This is because they’ve less developed immune systems, airways, and lungs.

Short-term Effects of Secondhand Smoke

  • Frequent headaches
  • Coughing
  • Sore throats
  • Eye and nose irritations

Long-term Effects of Secondhand Smoke

  • Increased risk of lung cancer
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Increased risk of coronary heart diseases
  • Increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The good news is that the risk of developing these side effects diminishes rapidly once you stop smoking or stay close to smoking individuals.

Trying to quit smoking on your own may result in relapsing, and you will have to deal with the pharmacological aspects of addiction and psychological factors.

For this reason, using tobacco free or nicotine free smokes may help you quit smoking without going through the adverse effects of addiction.

Are there safer smokes?

Tobacco free or nicotine free smokes like the ones made by Naked Smokes satisfy smoking cravings without inhaling tobacco and chemicals from a real cigarette.

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