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The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Your Friends and Family

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The Effects of Second-Hand Smoke

Did you know that secondhand smoke can be harmful to our health? That’s right! Smoking is the primary cause of preventable death in the United States. Second-hand smoke is the term used to describe the detrimental effects of smoke breathed in by those around smokers. Tobacco cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals, including more than 70 known cancer-causing agents. This is a great reason to look for cigarette free smokes.

Many of these chemicals are toxins that can cause irreversible damage to our health and others around us. The effects of secondhand smoke are vast and in different intensities.

Here are some of the effects so you can make an informed decision about which smokes to purchase:

Heart Disease

Secondhand smoke is linked to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease in women. Research has shown that secondhand smoke can cause cancers, including lung cancer and throat cancer. Other Studies also indicate that secondhand smoke might increase your risk for bladder cancer, heart attack, stroke, and heart disease in women. In addition, it increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.


Secondhand smoke can cause cancers, including lung cancer and throat cancer. Recent Studies also indicate that secondhand smoke might increase our risk for bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Risk to children

Tobacco cigarettes cause adverse effects on infants exposed at birth and children exposed through breast milk. Exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy is expected to affect children’s cognitive development.

In addition, children who grow up with smokers are more likely to develop addiction problems later in life than those with zero exposure.

Several nicotine free products are available on the market. These products like those by Naked Smokes are there to help smokers quit nicotine or quit smoking entirely. This can help you achieve fulfillment with our smoking experience and avoid adverse side effects to you or your family and friends. So if your looking for cigarette free smokes check out Naked Smokes today!

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