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Tobacco is a Cruel Master

tobacco free cigarettes

Tobacco has been used by humans since 3000-5000 B.C., according to some researchers. Smoking tobacco is the most popular way of consuming it, but it has devastating effects on the smoker and those around them. It is hence not an understatement to say that tobacco is a cruel master. Once you are addicted to tobacco, it can ruin your life. Smoking tobacco free cigarettes from Naked Smokes is a great alternative. The following are some ways that prove tobacco is a cruel master:

Health Effects

Tobacco use, especially smoking, is debilitating. According to the CDC, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It causes at least one in five deaths.

The health effects are destroying many lives, as more than sixteen million Americans live with a disease caused by smoking. Smoking leads to cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory diseases, cardiac conditions, strokes, and diabetes.

Smoking tobacco also makes you more prone to Tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also weakens your immunity.

With 90% of all lung cancer deaths caused by smoking, tobacco is truly a cruel master that ruins plenty of lives.

Social Impact

Tobacco is a harsh and cruel master because it not only affects smokers but also their environment. The thousands of people who die every year due to secondhand smoke is a testament to that.

However, tobacco can also create a massive financial burden for families because the money spent on tobacco could have been spent on more worthwhile items.

Smokers have more illnesses, which means increased medical spending, which could have otherwise been spent on other vital issues.

People dying of lung cancer and leaving their kids poor create even more poverty in society.

Tobacco causes many problems for the individual and society at large. Consider tobacco free cigarettes from Naked Smokes for a smart alternative.

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