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Why Living “Tobacco Free” Can Be Beneficial

tobacco free cigarettes

Scientific studies have confirmed quitting tobacco can lengthen smokers’ life spans. There are also many commonly known health-related dangers associated with tobacco usage; among them are psychological and mental.  The cognitive effects of addictive tobacco are brutal; it impacts the addicted person’s self-esteem and their relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.  It is another reason why switching to Naked Smokes™ offers significant benefits for those who like to smoke but know better than to continue using tobacco.

Disadvantages of Smoking Tobacco

Tobacco opens up a pathway for many diseases to enter the body, thus destroying it from within. Tobacco is linked to many diseases, including:

  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Chronic lung disease

According to the World Health Organization, there are nearly one billion tobacco smokers worldwide, of which over 8 million per year die from tobacco-related diseases. According to the CDC and FDA, there are over 34 million tobacco smokers in the US, which causes the deaths of nearly 500,000 annually.  Over $300 billion per year is spent in the US on tobacco-related health care and lost economic production.

Tobacco contains carcinogens such as:

  • PAH
  • M-nitrosamines
  • 1,3-butadiene
  • Benzene
  • Aldehydes
  • Ethylene oxide

Why Should I Quit Tobacco?

Simply put, the list of benefits is endless for us and the people surrounding us. Just as directly smoking tobacco can cause diseases, even second-hand tobacco smoke is believed to cause cancer, heart disease, and more disabling diseases. Exposing young children and infants to tobacco smoke can lead to things such as:

Make the Switch

Tobacco and nicotine free Naked Smokes™ are the intelligent and satisfying alternatives to tobacco cigarettes and other nicotine delivery products.

Visit Naked Smokes for more information on tobacco free smokes.

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